Services To Be Relinquished

Name Price
Total $0.00

To Relinquishing Client

I agree when this form is completed in its entirety by both I (the current account holder) and the new account holder and received by LV.Net, LLC my relinquishment and waiver are irrevocable. I hereby transfer all my rights, interests in, obligations and possession of any and all Service Term Contracts (Agreements) provided by LV.Net, LLC has consented to said assignment in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Company Name:

Account Holder Name:

Phone Number:



To Receiving Client

I understand that by assuming the above account, I hereby accept, as the date hereof, all obligations, liabilities, conditions, and restrictions to be done, kept, or performed by or imposed upon the current customer under the Agreement as if I had been named the original party therein.

Account ID *Optional*:

Company Name *Optional*:

Phone Number:

